History of cheesecake

Cheesecake, with its rich and smooth surface, has a set of experiences as decadent as its flavour. Its origination follows back to old Greece, where it was a popular wedding present at functions or events. The earliest mention of cheesecake traces all the way back to 776 B.C. in the Olympic Games. The Greeks served it to athletes to uplift their energy. Later, the Romans embraced this pastry and different desserts, adding their own turn with the fuse of eggs. As the Roman Empire spread, cheesecake did as well, by being number one across Europe. During the Renaissance, Europeans filtered cheesecake recipes, by introducing cream cheddar as a key fixing. In the 18th Century, German immigrants took their cheesecake recipes to America, where cream cheddar turned into the standard. Today, cheesecake has endless multifariousness, from classic New York style to fruity and chocolatey variations, pleasing taste buds overall with its rich history and powerful taste.

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